Recipes Recipe Book


Tempt your guests to a different taste sensation. Offer a meal you have prepared by following one of our Chef’s favourite meals - our six meals downloadable below are simple to follow but the reaction you get wont’ be!  Double click the recipe you want and download it!


recipe eton messrecipe Braised Lamb Shank with Tangerinerecipe Tuna and Avo Stackrecipe Rolled Macadamia Pavlova with Dried Fruit Compoterecipe Salmon Prawn Stuffed Squid with Beetroot Pureerecipe Cape Malay Pickled Fish with Coriander Raita

Our Reputation is Our Food

 Horn and Phillips Catering Consortium | (T) +27 (0)11 608 2288 | (F) +27 (0)11 608 2260 |Fax to Email 0867 187 657


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Date of entry: October 2009 | Latest Upload: February, 2015